Wednesday, May 03, 2006

One more tummy post

Torso what?

As you can see the swelling around my scar is very much reduced; last night I was actually able to lie on my front in bed for the first time. The surgeon has told me to expect that the swelling may take a year to disappear but the pain is gone and my mobility has improved lots, my stamina; coming along nicely. It has been a handy thing to have though because as the things that happen in life all the time have been happening to me since the operation, I have been aware that the wound has been a brilliant communicator. Things that I might not have thought too much about normally; doing too much physically, getting into an argument or getting stressed, not leaving a space between doing one thing and the next and so on have all been alerted to me by the damaged area as things that are draining me. So thanks for that, I will try to keep up that listening to myself thing when my body finishes healing this particular scar, although I suspect that it will always be there for me.

I am intrigued about what I have been doing in my life for the "divarification" to have happened in the first place; need to do more work on this but I suspect that it has to do with being uptight. I realise that I have been banging on about this for a while recently, meaning that you haven't been able to read the other wonderful stuff that I might normally put in these pages. Not much I can say about that really as I haven't really felt ready to divuulge other things lately, although I reckon I will do soon.

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