Monday, April 09, 2007

Brew hah hah

One morning last week I woke quite early and decided to have a cup of tea. As the kettle warmed up on the stove, I considered the day ahead whilst dangerously multitasking, getting the tea bag out of the cupdboard, milk from the fridge and so on. The kettle was almost ready when I was suddenly aware of a big flame on my right hand side and quite a bit of smoke. My dressing gown was on fire. One acts quickly in these situations and very quickly I was doing my naked version of the hakka on top of the combustible garment. Gemma arrived on the scene concerned that a "girl had broken in" on account of the scream that had woken her.

There seems to be an elemental pattern to my early morning traumas, I might be due to wake up spattered with mud.

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