Thursday, October 13, 2005

Caption Sensible?

A couple of monks outside their temple in Xian.


Dominic said...

They say yellow shows off my bone structure to its best.

ab said...

Right monk: "We had corn-fed chicken again for lunch"

Al said...

Left Monk - "If I've got the key for the monastery, is it called the Monkey?"
Right Monk - "No, it's not."

Dominic said...

Let's nip this thing in the buddha

Dominic said...

Get the monk of your choice with a dreadnought.

ab said...

Right monk: "what's that you're carrying?"
Left monk: "a western style sports bag"
RM: " what's it for?"
LM: " thought I might go down the gym"
RM: "the nearest gym must be 2000 miles away"

Al said...

RM - "That guy with the stripey top on has no idea how to put a turban on, does he?"