Thursday, June 09, 2005


As I may have mentioned on this very site before, I feel I can be better described by lists than anything else, not that it is necessarily of any interest to anyone, but I quite like to find patterns. Perhaps I will start another blog comprising of lists, in order that I can then produce a list of lists and eventually sum up my existence with one word, (which I forecast might well be "truth", or the lack of it).

Intitial stab at list of lists (in no particular order):

Surgical procedures
Books read
People loved
Things that could be eliminated from life
Favourite places
Favourite films
Groupings of types of people (as previously referred to)
Pieces of art which resonate
Things to do (I have a new one which I may post soon)
Sources of energy
Purchases that proved to be excellent

I have also, lying in bed before getting up, been thinking of Venn Diagrams. I enjoyed them aged eleven but have never used them since.

First stab at the Excellent Purchases list:

1988, Hublot Watch, still a thing of beauty
1987, JVC 4 inch TV. Bought from Harrods, quite pricey at the time but still a perfect thing, used regularly. Watched Ayrton Senna go from fifth at the fist bend to first by the end of the lap at the European GP, Donnington 1993 on this TV
1993, Grey Armani leather jacket, always felt good in that(until I started to get a bit fat)
Circa 1978, G&S Fibreflex Bowlrider skateboard deck, much pleasure derived
1999, Kickboard; three wheeled skateboard with steering, I still use it. WIll be traveling from Victoria Station to Lambeth Bridge and back on it this very weekend.
1987, Porsche 356C. Owned until last month, much pleasure received in the early days even if not exploited latterly. Something that caused me to smile when I used it, how many things do that?
Circa 1990, Prism Spectacles. Specs that you wear to watch TV whilst fully supine. I wear them almost every day. Good for reading too.