Thursday, June 29, 2006
Techno prisoners
Dom was telling me about showing his children where they'd be going on holiday using Google Earth and how exciting they found it. I suppose one day soon it will be live video that they will be showing, we'll be able to log on and witness each other doing what we do in which ever country we happen to be but probably quite small. I was thinking I could let off a firework or cause a distrubance, perhaps a medium sized road traffic accident would be visible.
A few weeks ago my American friend Neil was visiting his grandma in Dunoon and he rang me. He told me that he was beneath the Dunoon High Street web cam and that if I logged on he'd wave to me, unfortunatley it was out of service on this occasion. If I checked out if there was one in Leeds or Harrogate then I took my laptop to one of the Brighton ones (there is apartently free wifi on the beach although I've never used it) and someone I know in Leeds or Harrogate could get on line from somewhere in view of the web cam there and then one of us rang the other, then we could have a free video conference (except for the cost of the phone call ofcourse).
On a tengential subject I went to an introduction to NLP course the other day and they were discussing techniques for dealing with tricky situations which included making images in your mind smaller. I was reminded of a fairly unpleasant time in my life where I had to attend a weekly meeting and explain why sales figures weren't better. Often the other people in the meeting were in Glasgow and I was video conferencing from my PC in my office in London. I discovered that an effective way of dealing with the stress was to reduce the size of the window; sometimes I had to be careful not to laugh. Eventually I got sacked and the problem disappeared completely. I am not particularly a big NLP fan, I went because there was a free space and it was being run by a friend of a friend and I thought that I might get to like it better as a result of going; but I didn't. I am working on a different method which I will announce to the world in due course.
Posted by ab at 12:53 pm 1 comments
Labels: Trips
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Au revoir de France
Day 10Panoramique
Very nice techno breakfast. Went for a swim and got chatting to an Antwerper. Tray jolie.
Later on enjoyed the Japan - Brazil game in a bar where many people were speaking English. They were from different countries and so English was the most readily available common language; are they allowed to do that?
Day 11
Tried out the water beds on the roof, much lovlier than I had anticipated.
Went shopping, ended up in the Virgin Megastore cafe trying to keep my eye off the heavy petting teenagers. Heading back to the hotel we noticed a bus at a stop round the corner advertising its destination as the airport. So we collected our bags and boarded the next one; total journey cost 2.60 euros (rather than the 40 euro taxi ride), most satisfactory. (You may be relieved to know that we did actually have to go to the airport).Tart irritating wife.
Posted by ab at 5:31 pm 1 comments
Labels: Trips