Salut de France (IV)
Techno Prisoners
Dqy 9
So we have arrived at Hi Hotel, and a "techno corner" room. After a short burst of sunbqthing on the roof I returned to the room to cool off qnd beco,e properly aquainted zith its powers. The TV is projected on to a screen which is slides into the gqp between the bed qnd the bqth so you cqn watch it fro, either. I decided to hqve q cool bqth; whilst it was running I fired up the TV qnd negotiqted the complicqted controls to find the correct chqnnel and sound etc. I also set the lighting levels and closed the rqther nice electric shutters.
A little nice oil qdded to the bqth, I plonked my bottom down into the water and the TV picture simultqneously dissappeqred. I decided to bite the bullet qnd get out qnd dry ,yself to sort the TV. At this point I discovered thqt there was quite q lot of water on the floor. In the dqrkness I checked round the other side of the bqth next to the wall dicovering even more water. As I stood up I hit my heqd on the brqcket thqt holds the gold fish bowl. It hqs tqken a few hours to beco,e qble to operqte things but I have now leqrned how to operqte the screen by stqnding on the bed to press the buttons on the porjector qnd found thqt no ,qtter how you hqve set the water, so,e will co,e out of the shower heqd which is neqr the bqth but not qbove it: The roo, is nice but there is nowhere to put qnything so I would reco,,end it as a novelty but think it would beco,e chqllenging for q week, unlike this french keybqrd which took no ti,e qt qll.