More midriff murmurings
It is now three weeks since my trip to a local hospital where I received a 5 inch vertical incision in my tummy. The news is that the scar is beautifully neat and that the swelling is reducing (back to a large avocado size) but that I am in a bit of pain some of the time. I reckon this is all down to having overdone things at the weekend when I went shopping in London.
I have spent quite a lot of time lying on my bed watching TV or reading. Daytime TV highlights start out with Frasier about 9.15 on Channel 4 (don't turn on early or you will have to endure some of Will and Grace). After lunch there is an episode of ER and then maybe a film. After that I tend to flick between Oprah and Deal or no Deal. I couldn't sit through an entire episode of the latter and the watchability of that super black lady is dependent upon the topic of the day.
I have finished reading the previously mentioned Moon Dust (excellent), as well as The Lincoln Lawyer (very good if you like that sirt of thing; I don't usually do crime novels but was kept entertained), and have embarked on The Bookseller of Kabul (so far so good).
Other than this I just keep thinking how lucky I am, funny how it can take a set back to do this. Avocado at its small melon (largest) phase.