Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Getting what you want

I have joined recently. I am signed up to the service whereby you get two films at a time. It is all very straight forward, you populate your list on the website with films you want to see (you can prioritise them) and then they send you them in an envelope which you use to return the disc(s) at your leisure, post free. There is a facility on their site whereby you can order additional envelopes, you may have received two in one envelope but only want to return one. I have been exchanging emails with them on this very subject.


I have asked for spare envelopes twice and not received any, as it
means that I am not able to return discs as soon I would like, I am
not getting the full benefit of two discs at a time. Can I have more



Dear Adrian,

Thank you for your email.

If you could please return the DVD in a protective case with a note of your
full name, email address and the DVD reference number to the free post

LOVEFiLM International Ltd
PE2 6UG.

If you have any other questions then please do let us know.

Kind regards,


Thank you. (Does that mean that you won't be sending me additional envelopes)?


Dear Adrian,

Thank you for your email.

This is to inform you that you can of course send more than one disc back in the same return envelope, in the same way that they arrive. Our new plastic sleeves allow you to fit up to four discs in one envelope. Alternatively, you may send the discs back individually if you wish. You can order any extra return envelopes you may require on our Envelope Request page. You can find this here:

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Kind regards,

Customer Services
The new way to rent DVDs

If you check back to my initial email you will see that I have ordered additional envelopes twice already and none have come. All I want to know is whether you are sending me any?

Dear Adrian,

Thank you for your recent email.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.

This is to inform you that the title "I'm Not Scared (aka Io Non Ho Paura) (Subtitled) (Sell Through)" is dispatched to you on 22/01/2007.

Should you have further queries, please do contact us again.

Kind regards,

Customer Services
The new way to rent DVDs


Banana, telescope, litmus test. (Hopefully this email will defy your standard email system and you will check my question from my original mail).



I have today been informed that I cannot have additional envelopes.


Dominic said...

Did they give you a reason why you cannot have any more envelopes?

ab said...

No actually, but the latest news is that yesterday morning, Belleville Rendez-vous and The Bicycle Thief (both of which I had ordered by the way) arrived in seperate envelopes with a spare envelope in one of them. So that is nice. ps I plan to watch both over the weekend and return them in one envelope which will mean that I have two in hand.

Dominic said...

That is good. They must have read your blog and decided to do the decent thing. Hope you enjoy the films.